Sandy Club
Oct 23, 2014 02:03PM ● By City Journals Staff
Hunter Jarvis (center with trophy), age 12, has been voted Sandy Club Member of the Month for October. Hunter has been a member at the Sandy Club since he was 7 years old. He is now attending Mount Jordan Middle School, where his favorite subject is physical education. When Hunter grows up, he would like to be a professional basketball player. If he had one wish, he would wish to have more wishes.
Hunter’s favorite thing to do at the club is to play basketball in the gym with his friends. His favorite thing about himself is how he has been chosen to be Member of the Month. Since he has joined the Sandy Club, he has learned to behave and be responsible. Hunter says that he has been voted Member of the Month because he has been kind, follows rules and is responsible. Congratulations Hunter Jarvis for being Member of the Month.
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