Turkey Trot Kicks Off A Healthy Thanksgiving Season
Nov 21, 2014 07:58AM ● By Peter Worona
Turkey Trot participants began the 5k race at 9 a.m. on Nov. 1, which went from Lone Peak Park to the Sandy Civic Center TRAX station and back. While some sprinted, others jogged or walked, but everyone was determined to finish the course.
Sandy City began November with its annual Turkey Trot, a 5k race that started at Lone Peak Park (10140 South 700 East), went just about to the Sandy Civic Center TRAX station and back to the park, for a total of about 3.2 miles. The race was part of Sandy’s 2014 Race Series, which began in July.
More than 170 participants, ranging from ages 5 to 82, went through the course, said Sandy City Recreation Program Coordinator Dustin Jackson. Organizers expected a few more people—this year’s race brought out slightly fewer runners than last year’s—but it was still a good turnout, Jackson said.
People participating in Sandy’s Race Series aren’t necessarily always from Sandy, as out-of-towners tend to take advantage of the timing of the event as well.
“Runners who happen to be in town will notice that [Sandy] is doing one of our races, and they’ll get excited and sign up,” Jackson said.
This year’s Turkey Trot also included a new 1-mile “fun run.” The separate course was set up for anyone who wanted to get out and race, but without going through the full 3.2-mile course. Jackson said the added course was a good way for full-course runners to get their kids involved in the day’s activities.
The overall winner of the 2014 Turkey Trot men’s division was Dan Crooker, age 43, from Sandy. The women’s division overall winner was Jamie Gray, age 37, also from Sandy. In the spirit of the season, the winners of the men’s and women’s divisions each received a certificate for a free Thanksgiving turkey.