Sandy Senior Center: Events Schedule
Nov 21, 2014 09:25AM ● By City Journals StaffSandy Senior Center
9310 South 1300 East
Dec. 1 to Dec. 11 – Pottery Silent Auction. The center will be having a pottery silent auction in the front lobby. There will be all of the different beautifully colored pottery bowels, geckos and cups displayed on a table that the center’s pottery class has made. The auction will be held in the front lobby where you can fill out a card to bid on the items. Calls will be made on Friday, Dec. 12, to those who bid and won an item. All proceeds will go back into the pottery class to further buy clay and materials for the new year.
Dec. 1, 10 a.m. – Deck the Halls Party. Come and help decorate the building with holiday spirit and cheer. The center needs help setting up the tree in the café and decorating it, as well as placing decorations in the halls, lobby and staircase. Light refreshments will be available to those who come out and help.
10:30 a.m. -- Glorious Glorious Golden Eagle Show. Come learn about birds of prey or raptors, how they live and their importance to the environment. See a live male Golden Eagle up close. Presented by Judy w/ Division of Wildlife Resources
Dec. 3, 10:30 a.m. -- Healthy at Every Age. Learn about cancer prevention and health information for seniors, lowering your cancer risk, cancer screenings, avoiding medical scams, finding reliable health information, and complementary medicine. Speak one-on-one with a cancer information specialist who can answer questions about cancer and other health topics. Presented by Huntsman Cancer Institute of Utah.
Dec. 4, 10 a.m. -- Community Engaged Initiative Program Reception Knitters Thank You. Sandy Senior Center volunteers and residents from Atria of Sandy Senior Living donated their time and talents knitting and crocheting afghans, baby booties, scarves and hats for the homeless shelter. All items will be donated to The Road Home.
Dec. 4, 11, 18, 12:45 p.m. -- Gentle Yoga. Gentle yoga is for those who want a relaxing experience. Great for beginners/those who like chair yoga.
Dec. 5, 10 a.m. -- Stroke Prevention Care. What is a stroke? What causes one and what contributes to having one? Does age play a role or is diet more of a factor in having one? So many questions, find out the answers and more.
Dec. 8, 10 a.m. -- Knight 2015 Tours. Hear about the new tours of 2015, destinations and prices.
Dec. 9, 8 a.m. -- Holiday Breakfast with Santa. Enjoy a delicious breakfast sponsored by your Advisory Council members. Have your picture taken with Santa Claus and let him know if you’ve been naughty or nice!
Dec. 10, 11 a.m. -- ObamaCare: Affordable Care Act. This presentation will help you understand simply how Medicare works so you can choose what is best for you. Have your questions answered.
Dec. 12, 10 a.m. -- Hearing Screenings and Aid Checks. The effects of hearing loss and how to communicate effectively. Hearing aid checks and troubleshooting and hearing screenings.
11 a.m. -- A Senior for a Senior Animal Adoption. Adopt a senior cat from the animal shelter; cat comes with food, litter box.
1 p.m.; Soap Making Class. -- $10 requested for eight bars of soap. Make beautiful and aromatic soap.
Dec. 15, 10 a.m. -- Vital Aging: Mindfulness Meditation. Mindfulness is paying attention in a way to promote wellness in your life. For those who practice meditation or simply want to create or reinforce insight.
10 a.m. – Three Wise Men. Who were the wise men? Where are they buried, and what is the star of Bethlehem? Find out about the history of these men and our world.
Dec. 16, 11:15 a.m. -- Early Christmas Meal. Enjoy a delicious meal of ham, potatoes, rolls, vegetables and cherry crisp. Music by the Chris Hough Band-”music the way they like it.” Come early to get a great spot with friends.
Dec. 18, 10 a.m. -- Caregivers Support Group. Get tips on avoiding burnout and live life to its fullest.