Sandy Amphitheater Enhances Available Seating Along with Other Improvements
Dec 07, 2015 12:20PM ● By Stacy Nielsen
By Stacy Nielsen
Sandy - The Sandy Amphitheater, located at 1245 East 9400 South, made plans to expand its number of chairs by trading current lawn seats for new chairs. This change will more than double the existing number of chairs, but it will not increase the overall capacity.
The plan also calls for improvements to landscaping, an outdoor dining area on the hillside to the east, a new VIP room that can be used for special events, a new entrance atop of the hill and a new ADA ramp.
There are not any proposed changes to vehicle access or parking, however there will be improved pathways that lead up to the theater from the southern portion. This will provide better entry from the east parking lot and from the corner of 1300 East and 9400 South.
“The path will be interesting to maintain a quality of transition to get from the everyday outside world to that of the amphitheater,” Mearle Marsh said when addressing the council on the improvements.
Landscaping improvements will be alongside the new designated pathways and the proposed dining areas, as well as include the addition of retaining walls and a new water feature.
In addition to the new components to enhance the amphitheater, there will be a new drainage system in place due to past problems with pooling water. The expansion is proposed to help spread the burden of paying for the shows, and the hope is to make the space more attractive for wedding rentals.
Completion of the expansion is anticipated for June 2016.