Recreation Center Offering Sports Programs for Home-Schooled Kids
Apr 07, 2016 04:22PM ● By Kelly Cannon
By Kelly Cannon | [email protected]
Sandy - Students receiving their education through home school have a chance to enjoy physical education and be able to interact with their peers through a sports program specifically for home-schooled kids offered through the Dimple Dell Recreation Center.
The Home School Super Sports program provides weekly opportunity for home-schooled children from kindergarten through sixth grade a chance to get an hour of PE and team-sport instruction from a Dimple Dell Recreation Center instructor. All the classes are co-ed.
“We’ve run this for about seven or eight years now, off and on,” Dimple Dell Program Coordinator Allison Barr said.
The program started after the success with a preschool sports program at the center.
“Some of the moms who had kids in that asked about the possibility of us expanding that to older home-schooled kids, so we did,” Barr said.
Each month, the program focuses on a different sport that is taught by certified instructors. Barr said the purpose of alternating the sports played is to keep the program fun and interesting for the students. In February, the classes focused on water sports and games. March focused on basketball. In April, the sports will be volleyball, and May will be focused on various team sports.
Barr said there are several different purposes of the home school sports program.
“It’s to provide an hour of recreation time for the kids to learn how to interact with their peers, work together as a team, learn how to play a variety of sports and have fun,” Barr said.
The benefits of the program include not only providing a fun way to take part in physical education but to meet new friends and interact with children like themselves.
The program runs from 12:30 to 1:30 p.m. the first four Thursdays of each month unless otherwise stated. Participants sign up at the beginning of each month. The cost is $25 for each month or a daily fee of $7. Months with only three sessions are $19 a month.
For more information, please visit or contact Barr at 385-468-3355.