Ski & Snowboard News / Alta hosts bird watching on skis
Mar 06, 2018 03:22PM ● By Harriet WallisIt's on the top of that tree! / photo: Harriet Wallis
Monday, March 12 is the day for bird watching on skis at Alta. Skiers can join Tracy Aviary’s expert birders and search out what feathered friends call Alta home. Surveys are 9:00 am - noon the second Monday of each month. Help Alta expand its list of birds by participating in the bird surveys.
I just happened to ski by the group last month and stopped. Everyone was looking up and I was curious what they were all looking at. Then the Tracy Aviary "bird man" gave a whistling call. That call got the attention of several birds high up in the trees -- and they bustled about up there in the tree tops and that made them more easily visible.
Participants must be at least 12 years old and able to ski
intermediate groomed runs.
Pre-registration is
needed! We don't want to leave you behind. Register by noon on Sunday, March 11 (the day before.)
For more information please contact [email protected].
The final day of birding on skis at Alta is April 9.